1. Million Dollar Habit by Brian Tracy 8/7/2008
2. You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor 8/7/2008
3. The Greatest Networker In The World by John Fogg 8/7/2008
4. The Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles 8/7/2008
5. Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 8/7/2008
6. Morning Has Been All Night Coming by John Harricharan 8/7/2008
7. As A Man Thinketh bY James Allen 8/7/2008
8. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie 23/7/2008
9. Discover True North 23/7/2008
10. PhD of Persuasion 23/7/2008
11. Secrets of Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker 23/7/2008
12. The Science of Influence by Kevin Hogan 23/7/2008
13. The Secret 23/7/2008
14. Mind Your Mind by Remez Sasson 23/7/2008
15. Money And Beliefs by Aine Belton 23/7/2008
Got this from this website.. thanks to Zaiful